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Discontinuation of proguanil and of chloroquine plus proguanil travel pack antimalarial tablets

10 Jul 2023

Production of Paludrine (proguanil hydrochloride) and of Paludrine plus Avloclor (proguanil hydrochloride, chloroquine phosphate) anti-malarial Travel Pack have been discontinued in the UK.  This is an important change as there remain a small number of countries with a risk of malaria where proguanil tablets might still be recommended.

As a result of these medicines being withdrawn, the antimalarial tablets that are recommended for some countries will be updated to include alternative effective tablet options.

Advice for travellers

In areas where proguanil is currently recommended for malaria prevention,  atovaquone/proguanil OR doxycycline OR mefloquine  are all suitable alternatives.

  • Atovaquone/proguanil OR doxycycline OR mefloquine are all prescription-only medicines.
  • For tailored advice on your personal risk of malaria and the suitability of antimalarial tablets, you should make an appointment with a travel health professional.

See the fitfortravel malaria section for further information.